Getting Ready for Summer Work Out

We're almost half way through May, and with summer only a breath away, what are we supposed to do? If you're one of these people that are stressed that they gained weight during the winter, don't worry! All of us go through that phase at this time of the year!

I'm not really proud about this part of myself, but when it comes to weight I become insecure. When I see myself getting even a few pounds, I do everything in my power to change that! With all these perfect stereotypes out there, I feel like I need to work out for hours, run hundreds of miles, just to be in perfect shape.

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Since you came here though, I will tell you how to avoid that. From my experience you can reach your body goals in less than a month. How? I'm here to tell you. There are tricks everywhere, and so happens in "Getting Ready for Summer".

We're about to change our lifestyles together and hopefully not only for the summer!

Here's what you need to do to Get Ready for Summer


The easiest way to lose weight is with light exercise. Running for around 30 minutes everyday for a month, will make you so much stronger and take away all the unnecessary fat. Personally, this one works the best for me! I don't run fast or anything like that, but even a little bit of daily exercise can transform me and you as well

But be careful though! Don't push yourself too much from the first day. Start with short distances and day after day add more and more miles. Running will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your mindset. It's not about the distance, the time you run. That's at least what I've figured out from my years of running. And never be disappointed, success needs time and effort, nothing comes in a day or two.

Work Out Days

Additionally to running, put some home work out days. You can do these exercises even in your bed! Yes! Laying in bed! Do them wherever you feel more comfortable. But don't skip these work out sessions. They're super important to rest your muscles and sculpt your body! Here is a short full body work out you can try!
  • 30 regular crunches 
  • 30 leg lifts crunches 
  • 40 scissor crunches 
  • 1 min. plank 
  • 30 sec side plank (on each side)
  • 20 lunges 
  • 30 squats 
  • 20 sumo squats 
  • 10 push ups (15 if you use your knees)
  • 30 mountain climbers 
How many sets of this work out you do, is totally depended on you! There are days that I repeat it only once and others that I do it up to three times! Find the work out that works the best for you, and experiment with it!

Eat Healthy

A lifestyle is not only about exercising. Changing eating habits is rough, I know it! But you need to try. Everything comes in steps. Start by not ordering fast food, then reduce the amount of bread and pasta you consume, and then take away anything fried. Replace some meals with fruits and there you are! You have changed completely your diet! Lately, I'm obsessed with smoothies and they can become even a whole meal! You should definitely try them out!

Love Yourself

You're perfect just the way you are! If you want to feel like you need to make a change, do it, but if you don't want to, don't! What you need to do though is Love Yourself! Feel confident, do things that make you happy, and embrace yourself. A work out makes me happy and that's why I do it, if it's not the same for you then just don't do it! Getting ready for summer is not about getting the perfect body, but finding a happier version of ourselves! Don't forget that!

Honestly, I don't have any special plans for summer, but once I make them, I will share them with you! Do you have any advice to help others improve their daily lifestyle? Drop it down in the comments, it would be extremely appreciated!

Thank you so much for reading my post!
Let me know what you think about it in the comments down below! 
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Credits: The photos belong to and not me. I repeat the photos are not mine and I do not take any credit for them!


  1. Thank you for sharing this!! I love the tips, especially the part of loving yourself x

    Maria |

  2. since I'm sick and can't work out I've focused on my diet and that has really worked out well. I'm glad to see that you added diet to the mix :-)

  3. Due to the lockdown I eat a lot of junk food. Eating healthy is what I should start doing now lol. Thanks for sharing this post!

  4. I needed to read this because I am SO NOT Summer ready! Really need to get back on the eating healthy train. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Loved these tips - I think exercise is such an important one and couldn't agree more with some of the points you've made! I think a lot of people are either working out tonnes or not at all, so it's nice to encourage those who aren't doing so well at it the extra nudge!

    Thank you for sharing x

  6. This is what I need Exercise I am losing my motivation 🥺 in this lockdown. Thanks for sharing 🌺🌸🌷

  7. I loved reading this and I'm going to give your workout a try. I started running last spring and really enjoyed it but gave it u . Definitely going to restart it

  8. Wow nice tips, I stopped runing but I do a hill walk every day which is pretty challenging..

  9. It will be easier to eat more salads now, without question! I will adapt my grocery list and add a some main course salad fixings. Thanks for the great reminder. Not so sure about the planks though...ha (jk!)

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