Thinking of Changing
This blog meant to be my lifestyle blog -it's still a lifestyle blog- but it's not going towards the direction that I meant to. I wanted to be a blogger that would offer advice through my personal experiences, but I ended up just posting tips, lists, and non-personal advice. I've been thinking for a while about it and I want to prepare you guys -if there is still anyone reading my blog- that I'll change things a little bit.

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My schedule is extremely too busy to create the long, complex, detailed, posts that I wrote during the first months. I had so much time then but now I feel so overwhelmed! I want this blog to be my passion, and I want it to be first about you and then about me! But I also want you to be able to see me through my posts. I may not have the most exciting life among you, but I still have some quite thrilling stories to share.

So how did I come up with the change? Well, like I said I feel overwhelmed lately, and I don't want my hobby to feel like an obligation. Don't worry, I will keep on posting some of my regular posts, but I think that I need a change right now. I want to enjoy the moment and post about it. I want to give you advice through my experiences and not the typical lists. If I see that you're not interested in that, then I might reconsider the change, but you might like it.. you never know.
So.. I know that I have told you guys to not be stressed over temporary situations, or issues that are not in your power to solve, but at the moment, I failed my own advice. I'm sure this is a phase that will go away eventually, but for now it's here haunting me. You may wonder why I posted about this change, well.. I want to share with you my concerns because you are probably going through similar problems as well. We live in the same world, surrounded by the same type of people; it's irrational to not share and the same problems too!!
No matter the age we are all overwhelmed by obligations, society, friends, family, school or work. I don't know about you but for the last two weeks I don't even have enough time to sleep. I don't write it to justify why I do what I do, because I'm sure that if what I write comes from my heart you'll definitely like it too!
Stay Tuned! I may turn this blog into a diary you never know!
xoxo... just kidding! You'll hear from me again soon!
Share your thoughts with me on instagram --> @dramatic.feelings
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It's good to let your emotions coming out in the form of writing rather than keeping it in yourself, Thank you for sharing what you're actually feeling,Whatever it is, it's just temporary, slowly with the passage of time it will be ok👍❤️❤️❤️