Overcoming Failure in 3 Ways

Dreams not always come true. Life is full of obstacles that stop us from reaching our goals, obstacles that make us want to give up and redirect our plans for the future. The question though is "how can someone overcome failure?," like everything in life starting all over again is a process that takes time. You need to be patient and persistent to come back stronger than ever before.

All the failures that destroyed you piece by piece and all the people that made fun of your mistakes need to become your motivation to stand up and fight harder to crawl back up from the bottom you reached. 

There will be happiness after failure. The power you need to achieve all your dreams exists within you, but you just have to find it. 

1. Realise You Tried Your Best

Before you do anything else, you need to realise that you tried your best. You spent time and effort to manage everything, and the result was not a relatively accurate depiction of your actions. In the next chapter, you might need to work harder, but this doesn't mean your effort was for nothing

No matter what happened you gained from this experience, you learned and you grew as a person. Always remember that from our failures we learn how to become better. Don't let yourself be disappointed of something that wasn't within your power. Shake it off and move on.

2. Set New Goals

After failing, your mind needs to start working on new ideas. Ask yourself questions like: what will my next move be, or how will I succeed next time? This will help you avoid feeling hopeless, because after all, you'll have already started planning and building your next step

Remaining active even after failure is mandatory. It's the key element to make sure your dream will not vanish. Of course you're sad or wish you had done things better, but this is your new reality. You need to pick yourself up and figure out another way to make your dream come true.

3. Learn From The Mistakes

If you could go back what would you have changed? Take a moment to figure out your answer to this question. Think about the mistakes you made in "Plan A" so you can fix them in "Plan B." What's the point in failing if you don't let it help you succeed next time?

Find the flaws and remove them. Explore other better options and enhance your plan. Only if you go through this process you'll move forward, therefore, closer to your goal. Everyone makes mistakes, however it's up to you whether you'll learn from them or not. 

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Credits: The photos belong to their owners and not me! I repeat the photos are not mine and I do not take any credit for them!

Ovecoming Failure Pinterest


  1. Great advice! Failure is highly overrated. You can always learn something from it and use it to do better.


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